Thursday, January 21, 2016

The fourth grade did an amazing job of leading chapel yesterday.  We were so happy to see so many parents come to worship with me.

Tomorrow is the end of the quarter and we will be moving to the second semester on Tuesday, there is no school on Monday, the 25th.  It is a great time of year.  We will be moving even closer to becoming fifth graders!  Awesome!!!!!

Look at how the sled has filled we will have one more week to fill the sled.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tomorrow is Raking Day!!!  Please bring a rake if you have one, gloves, and dress for the weather.


Reading- vocab sheet, cause and effect sheet, Mistake tree project

Math- Les. 25, 1-30 and possibly corrections on Les. 24, 1-30

Memory- John 14:6 due 10/26

Health- Ch. 5 review, pg. 168-169, 1-30 due 10/30

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Wow!  What a beautiful fall day!  I have been enjoying the amazing weather!
Homework this weekend includes:
math: les. 21, 1-30
reasons: ch. 10 and response page
Wis. History: pg. 33, 1-5

Enjoy God's amazing creation!!!!

Mrs. 🐝

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Math- none test at school

Reading- ch. 9 and response page

Handwriting sheets

Spelling test

Religion- pg. 27

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Whew!  I apologize for that brief hiatus from the blog.  Sometimes the world just gets away from me.

We had an exciting day!  When the firemen showed up to pull an unannounced surprise drill Mrs. B had just excused the 4th graders to use the restroom about 3 minutes before the alarm sounded!!! 

 Oops! well, we always have things to learn and now the 4th graders know what to do if there is an emergency when they are away from a teacher. 

 On a side note, I have never seen those kids leave the restrooms so quickly!!!


Math-Les. 19, 1-30

Reading- read ch. 8 and write response page


Handwriting- 2 sheets, due 10/9

Religion- pg. 25-26


Memory- Matthew 7:7-8

Spelling- test Friday

Friday, October 2, 2015

Reading- response pigs.for ch. 3&4

Math- Lesson 16, 1-30

Religion- pg. 23

Memory- Romans 12:18

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy October first!!!!  The fall is getting...well..fallish and I love the beautiful colors and the fun decorating.  

We have just started our second novel study, "Because of Winn-Dixie" is a great story that really pulls both boys and girls into the plot.  It is a funny and heartwarming dog that shows the importance of pets, family and friends.
Your child should have brought home a memory work sheet with memory for the next few weeks on it. 

Reading- Ch. 1&2 response pages, read and mark ch. 3

Math- Lesson 15, 1-30

Health- Chapter 1 Review, 1-24 & 26.

Religion- pg. 22

Memory- Romans 12:18, due 10/5