Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Homework for 10/1

Reading- Winn-Dixie projects are due 10/6
wk. bk. 26

Math- Les. 17, 1-30

English- wk. bk. pg. 32

Spelling- test on Friday

Memory- Due 10/2, 1 Peter 2:24

Music- sheet due Thursday

Science- Crayfish Crawl pages

Your student is bringing home a field trip permission slip for a trip to the Grand Theater on 10/6, cost is $7.00.

We will also be getting a field trip permission slip out later this week for another trip next week.  It is to go to the Cranberry bog and dairy farm.  We will be going on 10/9 and the cost (for bus only) will be $8.00

As always, these are great educational experiences and I want no student to miss out so if this is a hardship for you please contact me for financial assistance.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Homework-Due 9/30, unless stated

Reading- Winn-Dixie projects due 10/6, read Tia Lola and do wk. bk. pg. 25

Math- Lesson 16, 1-30

Spelling- test on Friday, wk. bk. pg. 28 and 29

English- wk. bk. pg. 31

Memory- Due 10/2, 1 Peter 2:24

Science- Crayfish pgs. through 7

Okay, so I realize this might seem like a goofy post.  However, at the risk of sounding like a real teacher geek I wanted to gush about the new pencil sharpener that I got for my classroom.  Elementary sharpeners get a real workout and I have never found one that lasts for long.  Even the most expensive electric ones get burned out quickly.  

Having said that I love (no that is not too strong of a word) my new sharpener.  It is quiet, efficient and sharpens pencils to a (to quote my kiddos) weapon sharpness.  I could go on and on, it really is that amazing.  

If you are looking for a great sharpener that will last a lifetime hurry to www.classroomfriendlysupplies.com

Friday, September 26, 2014


Reading- Return Winn- Dixie project signed: project due 10/6
Finish all Winn-Dixie sheets

English- Wk. bk. pg.23&24

Memory- Philippians 4:19


Thursday, September 25, 2014


Reading- Read ch 20-22 of "Because of Winn-Dixie", also dream writing

Math- Lesson 15, 1-30

English- Ten things I know about my Mom writing, wk. bk. 21-22

Spelling- Test tomorrow

So sorry that I missed yesterday.  I had to go to Green Bay last night and did not get a chance to update the blog.  Good news today so far, memory work was back on track with almost everyone scoring an A or an A-!  Super job kiddos and super job Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Crayfish Have Arrived!!!!!!

That is right!  The big excitement in fourth grade is that our Crayfish have finally arrived.  Today our science activity was to "Meet the Crayfish".  Don't worry it was not an up close and pinching kind of meeting! 

 Many of the kiddos have already named their crayfish such as Mr. Claws, Charlie, Carlos and even Billy.  (I have I mentioned what a crazy and fun group of fourth graders these kiddos are?)

It was hard to accomplish anything once "the package" arrived so I hope you enjoy the pictures of the fourth graders meeting the crayfish.

Reading- read through Ch. 17 of "Because of Winn-Dixie" and be prepared to discuss

Math- Lesson 13, 1-30

English- Wk. Bk. pg. 19&20, Winn-Dixie subjects and predicates.

Spelling- Test on Friday

Memory- Due 9/25, Proverbs 3:5-6

Music- Sheet due Thursday

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homework Due 9/22

Reading-By Wednesday read through Chapter 17 of "Because of Winn-Dixie"

Math -Lesson 12, 1-30

English- Wk. bk. pg. 13

Spelling- test on Friday, wk. bk. pg. 16-17

Memory- Due 9/25 Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, September 20, 2014

We are well into our second novel study of the year.  I love to read and I hope I am passing that love onto the students that I am so blessed to work with.  

Homework Due 9/22

Reading- Have read and done the response pages through Ch. 10 of, "Because of Winn-Dixie"

Math- Lesson 11, 1-30

English- wk. bk. pg. 3 and 11

Memory-Matthew 7:7-8, please note that several students have been "dropping the ball" on memory lately.  Please help your child be prepared!  

Finally, this weekend, don't forget time to worship the Lord and thank Him for all He has done!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I hope that you student shared how crazy our seed counting experiment was!   It got to one point and I just started laughing.  I especially loved the group with the pomegranate.  Their faces were priceless when I showed them how to get the seeds out of them.  Today we enjoyed a snack of SEEDLESS watermelon, it was delicious and a great treat!  Thanks Schmeltzers!

Homework for 9/19:

Reading-Have read through ch. 7 of "Because of Winn-Dixie", also we had some activity sheets where we practiced splitting words with a VCV pattern in them.

Language- We had two pages on sentence structure we did in class.

Math- TEST today, no homework!!!!!!!

Spelling- Test tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Homework for 9/18

Reading- Read through chapter seven in "Because of Winn-Dixie" for Friday.
Winn Dixie vocab and literary element sheets

Math- lesson 10, 1-30

Handwriting- cursive letters and name

Memory- Psalm 103:1 and Psalm 145:13

Music- Work sheet

Spelling- Lesson 1 test on basic words and challenge words, wk. bk. pg. 6
Singing in Chapel

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Due Wednesday, 9/17
READING- Have read and be prepared to discuss the first two chapters in "Because of Winn-Dixie

MATH-Lesson 9, 1-30

LANGUAGE- Work book pages 8 and 12

RELIGION- Work book page 17

Due Thursday, 9/18
MEMORY- Psalm 103:1 and Psalm 145:13

MUSIC- Work sheet

Due Friday, 9/19
SPELLING- Lesson 1 test on basic words and challenge words

Monday, September 15, 2014


Read Ch. 1 and 2 of "Because of Winn-Dixie" by Wednesday
Wk. Bk. pg. 1 and 2

English/Grammar- wk. bk. pg. 7

Math- Les. 8, 1-30

Spelling- Basic words and challenge words lesson 1 test on Friday.
wk. bk. pg. 4 and 5

Religion- pg. 16 The Tower of Babel

Memory- Due Thursday, 9/18, Psalm 103:1 and Psalm 145:13

Friday, September 12, 2014

Homework due Monday, 9/15:

Reading- Ch. 9 and 10 of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing", response pages and turn in response notebook.  Also the kids worked on their final projects, Describing Fudge, today.  Check them out in the hall, very cool!

Sign and Return chapter 5-8 quiz of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."

Math-Lesson 7, 1-30

Memory work- Psalm 25:8-9