Friday, October 31, 2014

We had a great day of fun.  The Tall Tale projects were excellent and our afternoon was filled with festivities.
Reminder, there is no school on Monday.  Your child should have brought home a new memory sheet and a time to meet for parent/teacher conferences.

Praying that all my little pumpkins stay safe this weekend and return rested on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Remember: We are planning on having a Fall Follies celebration Tomorrow, Friday, October 31. 

 This celebration will include food and a costume parade in the gym at 2pm.  Please remember that we are a Christian school and want to Shine the Light of Jesus in our fun festivities so school appropriate costumes are a must.
If you wish to send a treat for the party feel free to do so, I simply ask that you make sure your treats are also school appropriate.  I could also use a donation of plates, napkins, cups and beverage.  

The fourth graders and I have been talking about how the world, and people in it, can sometimes make us feel bad, but that is not how God sees us.  We have really enjoyed listening to the song Greater by MercyMe.  If you haven't heard it's a great song with a great message. Jesus>Me, Jesus>the world and Jesus>sin!

Language we spent a lot of time working on linking verbs and helping verbs.  Whew!  I think we got it but they are pesky little buggers!  :)
Wisconsin State History: Tall Tale project
Math: Lesson 34, 1-30
Spelling test tomorrow

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We had such a fun day today.  The kiddos were so creative in creating alternate endings for the story, "Once Upon A Cool Motorcycle Dude."  They turned their endings into comic strips.  It was a blast.

Well, we are quickly approaching that time of year.
We are planning on having a Fall Follies celebration on Friday, October 31. 

 This celebration will include food and a costume parade in the gym.  Please remember that we are a Christian school and want to Shine the Light of Jesus in our fun festivities.
If you wish to send a treat for the party feel free to do so, I simply ask that you make sure your treats are also school appropriate.  I could also use a donation of plates, napkins, cups and beverage.  Remember, we are God's Pumpkins Shining in a sin filled world.
Reading- We read, "Once Upon A Cool Motorcycle Dude" and finished some comprehension activities including creating an alternate ending comic strip!

Math- Lesson 33, 1-30

Spelling- Test on Friday

Memory- due tomorrow, 2 Corinthians 5:21

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Dress up for school pictures and don't forget to bring your best SMILE!!!!!!  

Reading: Vocabulary sheets
Language: Suffixes -y and -ous
Math: Lesson 32, 1-30
Spelling: test on Friday
Religion: pg. 42&43
Memory:Due 10/30, 2 Corinthians 5:2
Music: Sheet

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What  wonderful Fall day!  We were blessed with truly beautiful weather and home owners who were so grateful to us and for us.  What a fun day this was.


Reading: read Charlotte's Web Ch. 12-15

Math: test, no homework

Wis. History: booklet completed through the "All About Wisconsin Page"

Memory: 1Peter 2:9

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Don't forget that tomorrow is our all school raking service project.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and that they have glove and a rake if they have availability to one.  

Reading: we read more Charlotte's web in class and worked on some vocabulary pages.

Math: Les. 29, 1-30

Wisconsin State History: Read pg. 28-33 and answer questions 1-5 on pg. 33

Religion:pg. 38-39

Friday, October 17, 2014

We had a very busy day today!  It seemed like our work was never ending!

Reading-Charlotte's Web pgs. for chapters 1-6

Memory- Due 10/20, Colossians 3:16

Art- Sketchbook assignment due on October 31, Sketch anything in your bedroom.

Using the headphones and ipads to take spelling tests!

Just some random pics of my peeps working on a tall tale story summary project and doing a little Fall cleaning.  Take note moms and dads of St. John these kids are AWESOME cleaners!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reading-Charlotte's Web chapters 6-9

Religion- pg. 37

Math- Lesson 27, 1-30

Memory- Due 10/20, Colossians 3:16

Language- 57-60

Spelling- test Friday

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What a Crazy Crayfish Day!!!!!

We studied the crayfish anatomy and determined whether our crayfish were male or female!   It is always pretty funny to see the excitement and joy on my kiddos faces!

Reading- Vocabulary sheets, Charlotte's Web pages for chapters 1-5, character sheet, conflict, read chapters 6-9 for Friday.  Stormalong test.

Religion- pg. 34-35

Math- Lesson 26, 1-30

Science- crayfish anatomy

Language- Charlotte's Web common or proper noun sheet.

Spelling- test Friday, Dictionary skill test

Memory- Psalm 33:20 and 1 Corinthians 5:7

Music- Sheet