Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I am sorry I have been a late in updating the blog over this last week.  Tis' the season to be very busy.  I apologize for being a slacker.

Homework: Math Lesson 52, 1-30
Religion: work sheet 31
Wisconsin History: Test 1 as review for tomorrow
Reading: Work book pages 121-124 & 126

Friday, December 12, 2014

This is just one example of the many and varied ways in which these kiddos fill my day with laughter and my life with joy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

We've decked the halls and Fa La La-ed
our classroom and we are ready for Christmas so bring it on.  We drew names for our Secret Angels last week.  If you don't know who your child has just ask me...I have a master list.


Reading:wk. bk. pg. 109

Language: analogies, wk. bk. pg 111

Spelling: wk. bk. pgs. 112 and 114, Spelling test on Friday

Math: Lesson 50, 1-30

Memory: Christmas recitations due on 12/11

Religion: wk. st. 28

Friday, December 5, 2014


Reading- read ch. 4 of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", finish ch. 1-3 in novel notebook.

Religion- wkst. 27, make sure to color people too.

Math- Lesson 48, 1-29 odd and 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, & 24

Memory- recitations due on 12/8

Don't forget to take time in the hustle and bustle to worship the Lord!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Don't forget!!!!!  Tomorrow is our shopping day at the holiday mall.

Reading: Ch. 1 of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" done at school, at home read Ch. 2 and write any unknown words on a piece of paper.

Math: Lesson 47, 1-29 odd and 18, 20, 22, 24, 26

Memory: 1st, two Christmas recitations

Language: vocab sheet

Music: notation sheet

Spelling: test on Friday

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Due 12/3
Reading: "Dear Mr. Winston", 
                  Wk. bk. pgs. 97-100
Religion: wk. sheet 26
Math: Lesson 46, 1-29 odd, and 20,22,24
Handwriting: write each word 3x

Due 12/4
Music: notation sheet
Memory: first, two Christmas recitations

Due 12/5
Spelling: test

Monday, December 1, 2014


Complete Advent Lapbook and return to school!