Thursday, November 6, 2014

We've been having a rough time in gym lately.  We have been having a hard time with not participating, complaining, arguing, and not getting along with our peers.  I had to come down pretty hard on the kids for their behavior at the end of the day today.  Not my favorite thing to do, but like in parenting, it is sometimes needed.  Please remind your son/daughter that they are loved always.   Afterall...


Reading: Read the remainder of Charlotte's Web by monday.  We read the story, "Coming Distractions" and had a vocab sheet, comprehension sheet and fact or opinion sheet.

Math: Lesson 37, 1-30

Memory: Due 11/10, Psalm 103:13 and Romans 1:6

Spelling: Test tomorrow

Handwriting: Write each spelling word three times in cursive

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