Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blue Jay day was a Touchdown event!!!

What a fun surprise it was to have the pep band, cheerleaders and some of the football players walk through our school playing music, cheering, yelling and giving high fives!  We love our Merrill Blue Jays and wish for a successful homecoming game!  Go Blue Jays!!!


Reading: Finish Fudge

Math-Les. 12, 1-30

HandWriting- Due Monday

Art- Due Monday

A special thanks to Hollis the Swatter Expert.  We had a fly pesting us for two weeks.

  No, it wasn't FlyGuy.  Mrs. B tried and tried to swat that fly but to no avail. Evidently she is a better teacher than a swatter!
In desperation she handed the swatter over to Hollis, the man of the week, and...
With one swat our problem was taken care of!!!!
Hollis was cheered long and loud as he truly saved the fourth graders from the pesky fly of St. John.  Hollis, the man, the myth, the swatter!

Here are some fun pics from today!

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